How The Ferret Ban Started
Dr. Taylor's Letter vs. the facts: Ferrets are a safer pet to children than cats and dogs


The following photos and comments are copied with permission from the Zen Ferrets website


This sweet chocolate jill on the left with my son is Furball. She unfortunately passed away On June 25, 1996 at the age of seven years and seven months. I honestly feel I have never met a better ferret. She was Supreme Grand Champion in the show rings. Never nipped or bit anyone. Was healthy her whole life. This picture and others like it are used by many ferret organizations to promote ferrets as appropriate pets even with children. She will be missed.


The kit with my son on the right was then called Captain Adventure, now known as Mr. Lincoln who has taken many many awards for Bill and Glenna Hudson - his new owners.

Bill and Diane Killian.


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