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Californian's for Ferret Legalization Requests Your Help!
As many of you know, California is the only state on the continent where ferrets are banned throughout the entire state. If you try to enter CA with a ferret, the ferret will be confiscated. If you drive into California there are checkpoints along all major highways into CA where cars are stopped and checked for various illegal items including ferrets! Many people think that there's nothing they can do to help legalize ferrets in California if they don't actually live in California, but that's not true. The California chapters of the Audubon Society and Sierra Club have actively opposed bills to legalize ferrets in CA. The California chapters claim to be representing the wishes of their National Offices but neither of those organizations has ever opposed ferret legalization in any other State! Californians for Ferret Legalization has asked that EVERYBODY (even people who do not live in CA) write letters to the National offices of the Sierra Club and Audubon Society asking them to STOP OPPOSING ferret legalization in California.
Why should YOU write a letter?
Who to write to help California's legalization efforts
Need help writing a letter? The following guidelines were written to help with writing letters to NYC Council Members, but you can use similar guidelines when writing to the two addresses above. The most important thing is that you write! Don't worry about whether or not your letter is perfect or legitimate or official sounding enough. Use the guidelines if they're helpful. If they're not, don't! Remember, you're supposed to be a regular citizen voicing your opinion. You're not expected to be a Pulitzer prize winner!
More information on the California Sierra Club and Audubon Chapters' opposition to CA ferret legalization The following are past updates from the Californians for Legalization and Ferrets Anonymous websites. Bear in mind that because these are past updates, the bill numbers cited and the addresses to write to may differ from California's current bill number and current addresses they've asked people to write to above.
California ferret legalization websites |