You Can Help
Buy stuff and support NYC ferret legalization efforts! iGive Shop Online Through iGive Have you ever heard of "iGive"? Here's how it works. You go to the iGive website and pick "NYCFerrets.Com" as your "cause" (make sure you have "cookies" enabled any time you go there.) Then the next time you go shopping online at your favorite store, go to the iGive website first (, log on with your password, then click on their link to the store you want to shop at instead of just going directly there. Most of the big stores are there... Here's just a partial list!
From then on everything else you do is exactly the same as what you'd normally do to shop online. Exactly the same! The only difference is that by clicking on iGive's link to the store instead of going directly to the store's site, a small percentage of the money you spend will be donated to NYCFerrets.Com. It may only be a few cents each time, but a few cents here and there adds up! The best part is it doesn't cost you anything! There's also a new feature at iGive (that I don't have personal experience with because it's not Macintosh compatible) that enables you to have your online purchase count even if you go directly to the store's website without the extra step of going through iGive's link to that store first. I believe it's some kind of plug-in. Check it out while you're there. This sounds like a great feature if, like me, you sometimes find yourself shopping online and then think "Oh! *&@%$! I forgot to go through iGive's link to get here!!!" Ready to
sign up? Just click the box below. Remember to make sure your browser
is accepting "cookies"
first. If you purchase something online through one of iGive's links within
45 days of signing up, an additional $5 will be donated to NYCFerrets.Com
as well!
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