How You Can Help
Submit a NYC Ferret Veterinarian and/or Pet Store |
Help Us Get The Word Out to NYC Ferret OwnersThere are thousands of New York City ferret owners who do not own computers, are not on line, and have no idea about what's going on with the ferret ban or what they could be doing to help. It's crucial for us to get the word out to those New York City ferret owners and supporters and to let them know that a safe central source of information on the NYC ferret ban and current legalization efforts does exist. People can't help legalize ferrets if they don't know what to do or where to find more information. Pet stores that carry ferret supplies and veterinarians that specialize in ferrets are the best ways we know to reach all those remaining ferret owners and supporters in NYC. NYCFerrets.Com periodically sends mailings to all the NYC Ferret veterinarians and all the pet stores in NYC's five boroughs that carry ferret supplies so that their ferret clients and customers have the information they need to take action and keep their pets safe. If you know of a pet store or a veterinarian in the five boroughs that caters to ferrets, please let us know by filling out one of the forms below. (Note: Unless a new branch opens or closes in your neighborhood, we already have a complete list of all the Petcos and Petlands in the five boroughs) Additionally: Whenever we have new important information or new flyers, we need volunteers to check in on the pet stores and ferret veterinarians in their neighborhoods and make sure that they are aware of the news and stocked with flyers. Sometimes we also need volunteers to help their ferret vet get a mailing out to the rest of their ferret clients. This will not get done without the help of volunteers. You can let us know which stores or vets you'd be willing to check in on by using the forms below. [Links Removed] |